
Should I rest in bed when I have muscular or vertebrogenic low back pain?

So, my sister-in-law asked me a few months ago what she should do for her low back pain.  She did not know if it was muscular or vertebrogenic low back pain.  This means that it is either from the muscles or the spine.  She said that she had already been resting in bed for the […]


Are there whiplash exercises that can help my pain and stiffness? 

There are some whiplash exercises that you can do.  However, it is not that easy.  I have been a practicing orthopedic physical therapist since 2009 and have seen many, many people who have stiffness and pain from whiplash.  Whiplash is both easy, and at the same time, difficult to treat.  The joint stiffness and muscle […]


My teen has pain from hip apophysitis. Can you help?

As a practicing orthopedic physical therapist, I see many different patients and I am never quite sure what the next case will entail.  A week or so ago, I saw a 13 year old boy with hip pain.  He is a lacrosse player who plays on club teams for most of the year.  He recently […]


Is cuboid syndrome causing the pain on the outside of my foot?

As a physical therapist, sometimes the best way to learn about a condition is to experience it yourself.  I had a first hand experience of the pain and difficulty caused by cuboid syndrome.  I was not even a half mile into my run when I had a very sharp pain on the outside of my […]


Cervical myofascial pain syndrome is causing my chronic neck pain. What is that?

As an outpatient physical therapist I have seen and will continue to see many, many patients with neck pain.  Many of these people are frustrated because they have had imaging but it has not shown anything really wrong with the structure of the spine.  However the pain is very real.  Most of these patients are […]

Low back and pelvis

Low back and pelvic conditions   Acute low back pain Should I rest in bed when I have muscular or vertebrogenic low back pain?   Degenerative disc disease What are some things to avoid with degenerative disc disease?   Piriformis syndrome What are some piriformis syndrome exercises?   Lumbar stenosis Can you show me some […]


Is my groin pain from adductor tendinopathy?

This is a question that I received from a 30-year-old man a couple of years ago.  He started playing ice hockey a year earlier and decided he loved it.  I don’t live in an area where ice hockey is very common, so I must admit that this was my first ice hockey injury.  He had […]


I have this pain on the outside of my ankle and leg after running. Is it peroneal tendinopathy?

My neighbor asked me this question yesterday.  He mentioned that he began running again, and I have noticed him running more around the neighborhood in the past several weeks.  At first this seemed like a run of the mill tendinopathy, but upon further questioning, his case became much more interesting.  He has high arches and […]


I have a pain in my butt.  Could it be proximal hamstring tendinopathy?

This is a question that I get not only from runners but some of the yogis that come to see me.  As an active member of the yoga community and as a long-time practitioner, I see a lot of yogis.  More specifically I see a lot of ashtangi yogis.  Hamstring injuries are very common in […]


Fear avoidance is avoiding pain because of the belief that it is making the injury worse.

So I recently had a patient who came in with knee pain.  Her knee was mildly swollen and she had difficulty bending it.  As many people do, she had been babying it for the past couple months but it had not improved.  She had a very clear fear of moving it because she was afraid […]