Hip and thigh

Hip and Thigh Conditions


Hip labrum tear

I have a hip labral tear?  What are some hip labral tear exercises?


Hip bursitis

Are there some hip bursitis exercises that will help my pain? 


Snapping hip syndrome – iliopsoas tendinopathy

I need snapping hip syndrome exercises. Do you know any?


Piriformis syndrome

What are some piriformis syndrome exercises?


Groin strain

I have an adductor strain. Can you help?


Adductor tendinopathy

Is my groin pain from adductor tendinopathy?


Hamstring strain

Can you show me some hamstring strain exercises?


Hamstring tendinopathy

I have a pain in my butt.  Could it be proximal hamstring tendinopathy?


IT band syndrome

Can you show me some IT band exercises?



What are some stretches for sciatica?


Hip apophysitis

My teen has pain from hip apophysitis. Can you help?