Wrist and hand

Wrist and Hand Conditions


Lateral Epicondylitis

I need some tennis elbow exercises. Can you help me?


TFCC tear

What is a TFCC tear and how do I treat it?


Wrist sprain

Tell me about wrist sprain healing time and treatment.


Scaphoid fracture

I have a scaphoid fracture. What exactly is that?


Hamate fracture

I think I have a hamate fracture. What should I do?


Smith fracture

What is a Smith fracture?


Scapholunate dissociation 

What is scapholunate dissociation?


Perilunate dislocation

What is a perilunate dislocation?


Lunate dislocation

What is a lunate dislocation?


Trigger finger

What are some trigger finger exercises that I can do?


Trigger thumb

What are some trigger thumb exercises that I can do?


Triquetrum fracture

I have a triquetrum fracture. What is that?


Bennett fracture

I have a Bennett fracture. What is that?