
I need some tarsal tunnel syndrome exercises. I don’t think it is plantar fasciitis.

I have been struggling with plantar fasciitis for months.  I thought that it was hanging around because I have been neglecting to treat it.  As a physical therapist, there is really no excuse for letting this continue and get worse.  So I started treating it.  I have done everything that one is supposed to do […]


Can you show me some exercises for lumbar stenosis?

This was a question from my father.  He needed some exercises for lumbar stenosis because he was recently diagnosed with it.  My dad was and is still very active.  He had retired and was working as an electrician to keep himself busy.  In his late 60s he began having pain down his legs whenever he […]


I need some meniscus tear exercises. I think I tore it.

This was a statement from a colleague.  She is an avid runner and came into work one day limping.  Her knee began hurting on a run and was swollen and painful.  The signs and symptoms were consistent with a meniscal tear.  She was determined not to have surgery.  The other physical therapists at the clinic, […]


I need some tennis elbow exercises. Can you help me?

Tennis elbow is so common.  I am often asked by patients if I can show them a some tennis elbow exercises.  The majority of the time I am treating for something completely different.  However I often hear, “Can I ask you about this pain in my elbow?”.  I would never diagnose without getting more information […]


Can you show me some IT band exercises?

I teach patients IT band exercises on a regular basis.  At our physical therapy clinic, we see everything from ultra-marathoners to the person who likes run a mile or two.  With all of these runners, I have seen a lot of iliotibial band (aka IT band) issues.  I even experienced IT band syndrome myself about […]


My kid says both of his heels hurt.  Is it Sever’s disease?

This was a question from a patient’s father.  He wasn’t the nicest guy and had very little empathy for his son who did have a lot pain in his heels.  His son, however, was a really nice kid.  He was a 12 year old boy who had very tight heel cords.  He was in the […]


How can I do cervicogenic headache treatment at home?

This is a question that I get from many of my patients.  There are several options fore cervicogenic headache treatment at home.  First, let’s review the basics of cervicogenic headaches.   A cervicogenic headache is a headache that originates in the cervical spine and refers pain into the head.  The cervical spine is the part […]


Tell me how to cure plantar fasciitis in one week.

I would love to tell you how to cure plantar fasciitis in one week.  However, it is not actually possible.  Good news though!  It can get a lot better in one week with proper treatment.  In fact, I plan to give it a try.  I have had plantar fasciitis in my right foot for four […]

Body Region

Select a region of the body Neck Shoulder Elbow Wrist and hand Low back and pelvis Hip and thigh Knee and lower leg Foot and ankle Systemic conditions Pain


I think I hurt my rotator cuff even though I don’t play sports. Are there some rotator cuff exercises that I can do?

,So I recently had a patient whom I had seen years before for a different injury.  She came in with shoulder pain that began about 2 years ago.  The pain was on the outside are of the shoulder and had symptoms consistent with rotator cuff irritation.  She want some rotator cuff exercises to help her […]